
Engrish. You've heard it. You've read it. You've seen photos of it on the Internet.

Hopefully you've never had to rely on a manual that's written in it, to fix something electrical or otherwise dangerous. Why would a multi-million-dollar company skimp on sloppy manuals?

Some errors can be unintentionally or deliberately amusing, sure. However, if the literature you provide YOUR customers with contains spelling and grammatical errors, your customers will equate the care in getting the product right with the attention that went into the manual. Will you lose customers over that?

Ian has a small clientele of scientists who rely on him to give their technical reports a polish. Ian has a unique combination of Chemistry and Information Technology background, with an interest in Mathematics. Combine that with thirty years' industry experience as a go-between for technical and front-line staff and, of course, his award-winning writing skills and you can be sure Ian speaks YOUR language.

You want people calling you to thank you for their product, not for it making their lives more difficult. Get in touch to give your English some Zing!